martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

Elements of a Novel and Literary Techniques

Elements of a Novel

  • A plot is the sequence of events in a story or the storyline.  It consists of:

    • Exposition, which is when the characters and their goals are introduced.
      • In The Hunger Games, it would be the introduction to the story in setting and storyline.
      • In Siddhartha, it would be when he leaves his home to go with the Samanas.
      • In The Last Lecture, it would be when we learn who Randy Pausch is and that he has cancer.
    • Rising action, which is when the conflicts of the story are developed.
      • In The Hunger Games, it would be the reaping and training.
      • In Siddhartha, it would be when he meets Gotama and is in Samsara.
      • In The Last Lecture, it would be when he talks about his issues and how he came to the decision to give the lecture.
    • Climax, which is the point of greatest tension, or the turning point, of a story.
      • In The Hunger Games, it would be when Katniss and Peeta defy the Capitol by almost eating deadly berries and leaving them without a winner.
      • In Siddhartha, it would be when he contemplates suicide.
      • In The Last Lecture, it would be the lecture.
    • Falling action, which is when tension falls and the conflict will soon be solved.
      • In The Hunger Games, it would be when they face small troubles once the Hunger Games are done.
      • In Siddhartha, it would be when he meets Vesudeva and starts living with him.
      • In The Last Lecture, it would be when he finds some fame.
    • Resolution, which is when the conflict is solved.
      • In The Hunger Games, it would be when they're back in District 12.
      • In Siddhartha, it would be when he finds enlightenment.
      • In The Last Lecture, it would be when he dies.
  • Other elements of a novel include:
    • Setting, which is the location or time period in which the story takes place.
    • Mood or Tone, which sets the overall feeling of the novel.
    • Characters, which are those beings who partake in a story.
      • The protagonist is the leading character in the novel.
      • The antagonist is the character who opposed the protagonist.
      • The foil is a character who contrasts another character in order to highlight some of that other character's qualities.
        • In Siddhartha, Govinda can be considered Siddhartha's foil.
      • Secondary characters are those who contribute to the plot, but not greatly.
    • Conflicts, which can be either internal or external.
      • Internal conflicts include Man vs. Himself.
      • External conflicts include Man vs. Man and Man vs. Society.
    • Themes or Lessons, which are the overarching ideas present in a book.
      • Some themes in Siddhartha could be spirituality, love, friendship, and perseverance.
Literary Techniques
  • Figurative language, which is when things are said in a way that is not meant to be taken literally.
  • Characterization, which is information about the characters of a story.
    • This information includes physical and emotional traits.
    • It may be obtained from:
      • what characters say about themselves
      • what other characters say about them
      • what they do (their actions)
      • general narration
  • Foreshadowing, which is when something that will happen in the story is indirectly hinted before it happens.
  • Irony, which can be divided into several types.
    • Verbal irony is when sarcasm, overexaggeration, and underexaggeration are used in the narrative and in what a character says.
    • Dramatic irony is when the audience, or readers, know a key piece of information a character is not aware of.
    • Situational irony is when the audience, or readers, are surprised because the result of something is different than what was expected.
  • An inference is when something is not said directly, but you can induce it from other information and the narrative, even though you can't prove it.

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